For owners of restaurants and cafes Enable customers to display your menus on their phone with augmented reality (AR) and 3D.Guaranty safety and protection for you and your customers.
Orders can be send and pay directly,to the cashier via the application.
Lower your cost by registering in the application as no need for Printing menus
You can add and request 3D models for all foods and drinks
You can add all branches of your restaurant or café on the menu application
Save your staff time and effort
You can receive your customer's orders in five different ways
1- Dine in now :
Order and pay while dining in via application
2- Dine in later :
Order and book for dine in later
3- Drive thru:
Order, pay and drive thru the order, will tracking customer’s car when reaching the restaurant or café
4- Pick up:
Order and pay from anywhere, then picking up from the restaurant or café
5- Order delivered:
Order and pay from anywhere and delivering the order to the customer.
Register your restaurant or coffee for free now with TheMenu application